Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good, hard days

There is sometimes something useful about exhaustion. Not the kind of "stressed out, unable to finish anything" exhaustion, but the "I need to take a nap at lunch because I've been working so hard and will be working that hard again in 10 minutes"

When we're the good exhausted we can get past our assumptions (which we are simply to tired to hold on to) we need all our energy to be present, and so don't waste it on distractions.

In just 3 days we've got a lot done. We're tired, but that will pass and the simple act of walking through space with others is now richer - both to do and to watch. Our understandings of space, time and how we move through and share them has deepened.

I had a really great conversation with the four choreographers yesterday while Micheal worked with the performers. Wonderful questions and desire. Next week we start making some dances. Fun. Good, hard fun.


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