Tuesday, June 23, 2009

After Unconference

Crossposted with the Small Wooden Shoe blog

Misha Glouberman on the Canadian Stage. Photo by Amanda Lynne Ballard

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Unconference. It was a full and exciting day for me (and I think for others.)

Met some new people, had good conversations with people I knew but had never had a good conversation with.
The first goal was for those things to happen (and not just for me, despite Misha's jokes.)

My hope now is that there will be some momentum, interpersonally and organizationally, to continue those conversations and transforming them into more better performance in Toronto.

We're getting the notes compiled and already talking about next year.

Once there are notes and I get a bit of time I will post some more thoughts.

For people who came, what would be the next step and what would you like to see happen next year?

Also - if there was a second day of Open Space, would you come back? (say if it were Friday / Saturday?)

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